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President of Business School and Director of the International Cooperation Office from the University of Central Arkansas, Visit our School

The release date: 2012-09-11

From September 9th to 10th, Jane Ann Williams, Director of the International Cooperation, and Mike Casey, the President of Business School from the University of Central Arkansas visited our school.

On the morning of September 10th, Du Jianhui, the Vice President of our university, met the two foreign guests in the third floor meeting room of Administration Building of south campus, and had a friendly talk with them, which included such topics as the course setting, features of university administration, students exchange, the training of the teachers and managerial personnel.

Jane Ann Williams and Mike Casey visited the School of Journalism and Communication, and the School of International Education respectively after the conference.

Those present at the talk include: Sun Wei, the dean of Foreign Affairs Office; Li Huijie, the director of Academic Affairs Office; Zhang Dongwei, the director of Student Affairs Division; Li Xiongyi, the president of the School of Economics & Management; Li Mujie, the vice dean of Foreign Affairs Office; Luo Feng, the vice president of the School Journalism and Communication; Liu Weihong, the vice president of the School of Foreign Languages; Tuo Wu, the vice president of the Institute of Clothing; Yang Hongying, the vice president of the School of International Education, and Dr. Yang Lei, the assistant of postgraduate department, joined in the communication.

The University of Central Arkansas (UCA) was founded in 1907, which is a famous public university in the centre of America, and ranks 97 among all American universities. Our university has developed a good relationship with it since 2011. By now, 25 students from our university have participated in the short-term program of one-semester students exchange studying at UCA. (text&photo/ office of foreign affairs & school of international education)